SEC UK series of - HLi - Lithium Batteries
Lithium rechargeable batteries have characteristics that offer fast recharging, light weight mono blocs and battery solutions, wide operating temperature range, excellent cycling performance (> 3000 cycles), low internal resistance, give high efficiency and a flat terminal voltage, therefore 100% of the battery’s capacity can be accessed. Our Lithium Ion batteries can be fully charged over a wide temperature range, partially charged or up to 100 % within 3 hours, using the correct charger or charging system..
Summary of HLiPH LiFEP04 Lithium Battery Range

SEC UK can design bespoke battery pack solutions or standard mono bloc batteries to suit all specifications, whatever the voltages and capacity requirements are. Applications include off-grid solar and/or wind, leisure market, DC power solutions, engine starting and primary power solutions; where fast recharge time is important.

We have extensive experience in the design ranging from small bespoke battery packs through to Energy storage systems.

- Longer service life
- Superior reliability
- Excellent efficiency
- 100% capacity is available
- High energy density
- Wide temperature range
- Option on terminal types
- Partial charge and discharge without damage to the battery